Our company (Event Zero - makers of the best Skype for Business analytics software out there BTW) relies on Skype for Business response groups for our sales and support queues. Last week, I noticed that every single one of them on two separate pools were no longer accepting calls. It wasn't a SIP trunk or mediation issue, because I couldn't get to them by directly entering in their SIP address in the Skype for Business client. They appeared available (green presence) but would not accept calls. Snooper logs showed they were throwing 480 Temporarily Unavailable errors.
Rather than doing the same thing to all 20-odd response groups (which would take a LOOONG time because the RGS Workflow web page is so slow), I created a Powershell script to do the same thing.
$Workflows = Get-CsRgsWorkflow
Foreach ($WF in $Workflows)
Write-Host "Adding dummy extension to " $WF.Name
$WF.Description = $WF.LineURI
$WF.LineURI = $WF.LineURI + ";ext=0"
Set-CSRgsWorkflow -Instance $WF
Foreach ($WF in $Workflows)
Write-Host "Reverting back to original number for " $WF.Name
$WF.LineURI = $WF.Description
Set-CSRgsWorkflow -Instance $WF
Hopefully, this might help others who come across the same thing. If anybody has any insight into why it broke, and why this fix worked, please enlighten me!
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