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Friday, July 1, 2011

Maxi Dresses for Teapots...

Maxi Dresses for Teapots... - Did you know that every day there is always a new technology that is created? if you want to know please refer to the blog Gadget News well now we will discuss first about Maxi Dresses for Teapots... as you need now, we have compiled this article carefully, so please see to finish.

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Maxi Dresses for Teapots...

Whats a maxi dress? One of those long,  typically jersey fabric, spaghetti strapped summer dresses.
What's a teapot, other than the obvious? I am. Well...no, not really. But remember the nursery rhyme? "I'm a little teapot, short and stout?" Yes. I am short. (barely five three!) Not truly stout, but I have incredibly stubby, not so long and model like legs.True fact: I'd be be like 4 feet tall if I didn't have a long torso. (This is fine, unless I want to wear something long. Then it's a problem.)

Anyway. Maxi dresses. I thought they were cute, but I had been avoiding them for the last couple years, due to the fact I am not 6 feet tall, even with my tallest heels on, and I figured I would just look horrendous in one. But today after school, in celebration of finishing my math final and being done with mathematics for the summer, I stopped at a store I like that was having a 50% off sale. And I came out with this dress for $4.

Apparently I don't look that short in it. I was skeptical of the horizontal stripes (notorious for making you look broader than you are, no matter what size).With heels, a belt, and my hair up I actually look ...like...TALL. Or ...Close enough.

It's a miracle, I tell you what.

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